Using eChargie

Download and start using eChargie app today!

Download eChargie app

Download a free Android app from the Google Play Store or iOS-app from the App Store.

Register your account. Registration requires a credit card number and an email confirmation (please, also check your junk mail). With the application and the account, you may be identified, and you can start the charging at every public eChargie charging station, and at private eChargie charging station dedicated for you.

Asset 1 Asset 2

eChargie sähköautonlatausratkaisu
Sähköauton latauspisteet

Charging stations

To identify yourself at the eChargie, you can use a QR-code, an NFC-hit or a code written in front of the eChargie. In addition, the application remembers your favourite charging stations for even more effortless charging experience.

Price for charging is always defined by the owner of each eChargie and you can see the price in the app before starting the charging. You will receive a receipt of your charging to the application after the charging has stopped.

Charging station to you premises?

Fill out this form and we will get back to you!